coombes:everitt Your Sector



Introducing our schools

Our specialist education architects are passionate about creating inspirational, healthy and sustainable schools.

We understand that an inspiring environment, when sensitively crafted, can advance students' aspirations and aid them in becoming confident, resilient and healthy adults.

Our expertise covers the design of early years and nursery provision, through to prep and primary schools, secondary schools, academies and Multi Academy Trusts (MATs), Special Educational Needs (SEND) and  Further and Higher Education (Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges and Universities).

Take a look at some of our projects below

“Thankyou for providing a great service and for guiding us through a legislative minefield! We appreciated your openness and valued your experience. You didn’t see our budget as a target and made practical savings. Without compromising the quality of our project.”

Stephen Robbie - West Berks Council.

Nurturing your school

We understand that an inspiring environment can nurture a multitude of significant benefits that extend beyond academic achievement.

We set ourselves apart from other organisations through our comprehensive environmental approach to the design of your school. We promote sustainability, health, and well-being, providing pupils and students with an exceptional start in life.

We achieve this by guiding you in the evaluation of your school estate, helping you establish your vision and strategic objectives while supporting you in the delivery of projects of any scale from start to completion.

We understand the financial responsibilities, operational challenges, and pressures of managing and developing an educational estate. We will work closely with you to understand your unique challenges, improve operational efficiency and safety, support funding opportunities as they arise and alleviate financial burdens.

Together we can provide your pupils and students with an exceptional start in life.

Nurturing your school Image

Education services we offer

Coombes:everitt architects are one of Gloucestershire's leading RIBA Chartered Architectural practices specialising in education design and boasting more than 20 years of expertise in both the public and independent sectors. The services we offer include

  • Architectural Consultancy - Specialising in the Public and Independent school sectors and covering design of early years and nursery provision, through to primary schools, secondary schools, academies and Multi Academy Trusts (MATs), Special Educational Needs (SEND) and Further and Higher Education (Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges and Universities).
  • Creation of new inspiring learning environments through new builds, school extensions, adaption, refurbishment, retrofit.
  • Estate Development Planning (EDP) and the creation of a strategic plan for your estate.
  • Historic buildings conservation and schools within sensitive settings.
  • Student Accommodation and Boarding Houses.
  • Sports Facilities and Swimming Pools.
  • Sustainability / Passivhaus / Net Zero Carbon / Retrofit and Decarbonisation.

Sharing our insights

From the layout of classrooms to the materials used, the design of educational spaces can profoundly influence how young children learn, grow, and thrive.

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When it comes to your schools’ estate, we appreciate that your time is a constraint and your focus is on the immediate needs of supporting pupils and teachers, ensuring a safe environment and keeping budgets out of deficit. However, spending time on the creation of a strategic Estate Development Plan is fundamentally one of the best investments you can make.

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As architects, we have the power to design learning environments that do more than simply minimise environmental harm—they can actively contribute to the regeneration, economic viability, and well-being of the school campus.

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Services that we can offer:

Design Services

  • Initial Feasibility Assessment
  • Concept Design
  • Architectural Drawings
  • Planning Applications
  • Visualisations /Virtual Reality
  • Building Information Modelling (BIM)
  • Interior Design
  • Lead Designer

Construction Service

  • Detailed Design and Specification
  • Technical Drawings
  • Tendering
  • Contract Administration
  • Lead Designer
  • Principal Designer (CDM)

Specialist Advice

  • Planning in AONB/Green Belt
  • Listed Buildings
  • Sustainable buildings / Passivhaus / Net Zero Carbon
  • Decarbonisation
  • Renewable Energy
  • Adaptive Technologies
  • Farm Diversification / Class Q
  • Swimming Pools